57 results:
41. Coopération multinationale Sud-Africaine en Afrique  
POURQUOI UTILISER CE GUIDE? Avant de commencer le processus de négociation, les informations relatives aux revenus de l’entreprise, les bénéfi ces et la rémunération des directeurs peuvent aider les…  
42. Corporações multinacionais Sul-africanas em África  
Negociar com multinacionais / de Marie Daniel. - Johannesburg ; Cape Town : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - FES TUCC ; LRS Labour Research Service, [2018]. - 48 Seiten = 700 KB, PDF-File. -…  
What is a Global Framework Agreement?
The following animated video will explain what a Global Framework Agreement (GFA) is, using the example of the GFA between UNI Global Union and the South African. It is also available in French,…  
18.12.2017 | Publication
Multinacionais Chinesas em Africa
Esta brochura baseia-se no relatório de pesquisa sobre a "China em África: Estudo de Causa sobre as Práticas Trabalhistas das Empresas Chinesas na perspectiva de Trabalho no Sector da Construção…  
18.12.2017 | Publication
Les Multinationales Chinoises en Afrique
La présente publication est une compilation de différentes informations et recherches partagées pendant le premier Forum mondial de l'IBB consacré aux entreprises multinationales chinoises (EMN),…  
18.12.2017 | Publication
Chinese MNCs in Africa
This booklet is based on the research report "China in Africa: A Case Studies on Chinese Companies Labour Practises in the African Construction Sector Labour perspective", Research done by BWI in…  
14.12.2017 | Publication
Climate change strategy paper for trade unions in Africa
The ITUC-Africa strategy document on climate change has evolved from the co-operation between the FES Trade Union Competence Centre for sub-Saharan Africa (TUCC), ITUC-Africa and the African Labour…  
14.12.2017 | Publication
Document stratégique sur le chanagement climatique pour les syndicats en Afrique
Le document stratégique ITUC-Africa sur le changement climatique est né de la cooperation entre le FES Trade Union Competence Centre for Sub-Saharan Africa (TUCC), ITUC-Africa et le African Labour…  
14.12.2017 | Publication
Documento de estratégia sobre mudanças climáticas para sindicatos em África
O documento de estratégia da CSI-África sobre mudanças climáticas evolui a partir da cooperação do Centro de Competências Sindicais da FES para a África Subsariana (TUCC), da CSI-África e da Rede…  
11.10.2017 | Publication
Future energy policy in Southern Africa : What role for trade unions?
The booklet "Future Energy Policy in Southern Africa – What Role for Trade Unions"?  
Search results 41 until 50 of 57