TUCC as part of the FES Global Trade Union Project
Global Union Federations (GUFs) in Sub-Sahara Africa
The TUCC (supported by two regional coordinators in East and West Africa) shapes and carries out FES' trade union work in sub-Saharan Africa and assists in further developing strategies for trade union work at the national level. On the one hand, it acts in an advisory function to the FES country offices in the region. On the other hand, it implements regional projects itself in cooperation with regional trade union organizations and other regional partners. This includes supporting the regional offices of the GUFs to coordinate their activities, campaigns and projects in an annual GUF Forum. Furthermore, the TUCC fulfils a liaison function with the FES Global Trade Union Project and supports its activities in the region.
Video: What is a Global Framework Agreement?
The following animated video will explain what a Global Framework Agreement (GFA) is, using the example of the GFA between UNI Global Union and the South African.
Video: Ce qu'est un accord-cadre international? (available in French)
La vidéo animée suivante expliquera ce qu'est un accord-cadre international (Global Framework Agreement - GFA). En se servant de l'exemple de l'aci entre UNI Global Union et Shoprite.
Video: O que é um Acordo Marco Global? (available in Portuguese)
O seguinte vídeo explicará o que é um Acordo Marco Global usando o exemplo do acordo entre o sindicato global uni e a empresa shoprite.
¿Qué es un Acuerdo Marco Internacional? (available in Spanish)
El siguiente video animado explicará qué es un Acuerdo Marco Internacional (AMI), cómo funciona y cómo puede beneficiar a los trabajadores y a las empresas utilizando el ejemplo del AMI firmado entre la UNI Global Union y la empresa sudaficana Shoprite.
Nini maana ya Mkataba wa Mwongozo wa Kimataifa?
Ifuatayo ni video iliyotengenezwa kwa kutumia vibonzo inayoelezea maana ya Mkataba wa Mwongozo wa Kimataifa, kwa kutumia mfano wa Mkataba wa Mwongozo wa Kimataifa kati ya Chama cha Wafanyakazi cha Kimataifa cha UNI na muuzaji wa Shoprite Afrika Kusini.