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74 results:
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Multinacionais Chinesas em Africa
Esta brochura baseia-se no relatório de pesquisa sobre a "China em África: Estudo de Causa sobre as Práticas Trabalhistas das Empresas Chinesas na perspectiva de Trabalho no Sector da Construção…  
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Les Multinationales Chinoises en Afrique
La présente publication est une compilation de différentes informations et recherches partagées pendant le premier Forum mondial de l'IBB consacré aux entreprises multinationales chinoises (EMN),…  
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Chinese MNCs in Africa
This booklet is based on the research report "China in Africa: A Case Studies on Chinese Companies Labour Practises in the African Construction Sector Labour perspective", Research done by BWI in…  
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Climate change strategy paper for trade unions in Africa
The ITUC-Africa strategy document on climate change has evolved from the co-operation between the FES Trade Union Competence Centre for sub-Saharan Africa (TUCC), ITUC-Africa and the African Labour…  
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Document stratégique sur le chanagement climatique pour les syndicats en Afrique
Le document stratégique ITUC-Africa sur le changement climatique est né de la cooperation entre le FES Trade Union Competence Centre for Sub-Saharan Africa (TUCC), ITUC-Africa et le African Labour…  
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Documento de estratégia sobre mudanças climáticas para sindicatos em África
O documento de estratégia da CSI-África sobre mudanças climáticas evolui a partir da cooperação do Centro de Competências Sindicais da FES para a África Subsariana (TUCC), da CSI-África e da Rede…  
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Future energy policy in Southern Africa : What role for trade unions?
The booklet "Future Energy Policy in Southern Africa – What Role for Trade Unions"?  
68. Politique énergétique d’avenir en afrique australe: Quel rôle pour les syndicats?  
Par Ivan Mbirimi. - Johannesburg : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Trade Union Competence Centre, Septembre 2017. - 46 Seiten = ca. 1 MB, PDF-File. - Einheitssacht.: Future energy policy in Southern Africa…  
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"Modern slavery in company operations & supply chains", a review of current legislations towards an intl. framework
This paper sets out what leading governments are already doing to insist global business does more to eradicate modern slavery.  
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Chinese MNCs In Africa
Those who follow China-Africa relations are generally in agreement that state-owned and private Chinese companies have become major investors in Africa over the past 10 years.  
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