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The aim of the South African MNC Database and relevant MNC Trend Report is to broaden support for Global Union Federations (GUFs), national federations and unions to build alliances for regional and international campaigns; to support efforts of workers to transform Governance and Industrial Relations policies and practices…


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This paper provides a basic introduction to the 'Power Resources Approach' for a MENA region (Middle East and North Africa) audience. In particular it targets trade unionists, representatives of global union federations (GUFs) and researchers. The rationale for this choice of target groups is that cooperation among the…


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Trade unions in the Global South and North are innovating and making strategic choices to respond to a changing world of work. This study presents the main findings of 26 case studies of the "Trade Unions in Transformation" project – providing insights to understand and enhance union power.


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Success stories from all over the world / Mirko Herberg (ed.). - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Global Policy and Development, 2018. - 118 Seiten = 5,1 MB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2018 ISBN 978-3-96250-105-1


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The Guide "South African Multinationals in Africa" gives a step-by-step approach to assist Global Union Federations (GUFs) and their affiliates in utilising company information when preparing for bargaining processes.


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POURQUOI UTILISER CE GUIDE? Avant de commencer le processus de négociation, les informations relatives aux revenus de l’entreprise, les bénéfi ces et la rémunération des directeurs peuvent aider les négociateurs à sécuriser les revendications salariales des employés.


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Negociar com multinacionais / de Marie Daniel. - Johannesburg ; Cape Town : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - FES TUCC ; LRS Labour Research Service, [2018]. - 48 Seiten = 700 KB, PDF-File. - Einheitssacht.: South African multinational corporations in Africa . - Electronic ed.: Johannesburg : FES, 2018


FES Trade Union Competence Centre Sub-Saharan Africa

34, Bompas Road
Dunkeld West

+27-11 341 0270
+27-11 341 0271
