Prof. Kappel and Prof. Reisen

Study "G20 Compact with Africa: The Audacity of Hope"

The Audacity of Hope / Robert Kappel and Helmut Reisen. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Africa Department, October 2019. - 67 Seiten = 1,2 MB PDF-File. - (Study). - (Economy and finance)

Prof. Robert Kappel and Prof. Helmut Reisen take a close look at the verdict of the Compact with Africa (CwA) in its third year. The CwA initiative, launched in 2017, is the first comprehensive initiative between the G20 and Africa.

G20 Compact with Africa

Kappel, Robert; Reisen, Helmut

G20 Compact with Africa

The Audacity of Hope
Berlin, 2019

Download publication (1,2 MB PDF-File)

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