57 results:
18.01.2021 | Publication
Uganda's Public Transport Workers’ Digital Response to Platforms  
03.12.2020 | Publication
IndustriAll Resource Paper on Sustainable Energy Mix
Creating consciousness among Sub-Saharan Africa IndustriAll affiliates and developing policy demands for a sustainable energy mix / IndustriAll Global Union, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Trade Union…  
03.12.2020 | Publication
Defining a Just Transition for Sub-Saharan Energy Workers
A discussion paper of the Sub-Sahara Africa Energy Network (SSAEN) / Author: Marie Daniel (LRS). - Johannesburg : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Trade Union Competence Centre for Sub-Saharan Africa,…  
26.10.2020 | Publication
The Future of Retail in Africa
Dr Salomé Teuteberg. - Johannesburg ; Cape Town : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Johannesburg ; LRS Labour Research Service, 2020. - 21 Seiten = 2 MB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Johannesburg : FES, 2020  
14.07.2020 | Publication
Solutions d'Urgence en ligne face à la pandémie de Covid-19 au profit des syndicats Africains
Rapport basé sur des entretiens avec cinq secrétaires généraux de FSI Afrique / par Saliem Patel (IFWEA). - Johannesburg ; Cape Town : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - FES Trade Union Competence Centre for…  
31.05.2020 | Publication
Emergency online solutions to the Covid-19 pandemic for African trade unions
A report based on interviews with five Africa GUF general secretaries / by Saliem Patel (IFWEA). - Johannesburg ; Cape Town : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - FES Trade Union Competence Centre for…  
06.05.2020 | Publication
Bargaining for gender equity
By Dr Salomé Teuteberg. - Johannesburg ; Cape Town : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Johannesburg, LRS Labour Research Service, [2020]. - 19 Seiten = 5,2 KB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Johannesburg : FES,…  
18. Trade Union in Transformation Online Course  
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Global Labour University are launching an online course combining the knowledge of trade unionists, labour activists and academics. The course provides concise…  
19. Major unions join high-level transport symposium in South Africa  
A high-level transport symposium in Johannesburg, South Africa has brought together the leaders of eight major unions to discuss how to appeal to the 76 percent of transport workers in the country…  
The Panel Discussion: Future of Work and the Role of Trade Unions, Social Dialogue, Industrial Relations and Co-determination Work
This panel discussion on "The Future of Work and the Role of Trade Unions, Social Dialogue, Industrial Relations and Co-determination" was the kick-off for the 2019 GLU Africa Alumni Colloquium.  
Search results 11 until 20 of 57