Simon, Hendrik; Monaco, Lorenza

Making the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act Work for Trade Unions: Recommendations Based on a Study of the Automotive Industry in South Africa, Ghana, Kenya and Germany

Making the German supply chain due diligence act work for trade unions : Recommendations based on a study of the automotive industry in South Africa, Ghana, Kenya and Germany / Hendrik Simon and Lorenza Monaco. - Johannesburg : Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Trade Union Competence Center for Sub-Saharan Africa, 2023 . - 4 pages = 4.4 MB PDF file. - ( Policy brief )

Electronic ed.: Johannesburg : FES, 2023 - ISBN 978-0-6397-9292-7

This policy brief draws recommendations from the empirical study ‘The German Due Diligence Act and the Automotive Supply Chain in Africa: An Opportunity for Trade Union Solidarity?’. It emphasise the indispensable role of trade unions, works councils and shop stewards in ensuring the Act’s effectiveness in holding companies truly accountable, to improve the working conditions of workers and to organise along the supply chain. At the same time, it provides recommendations to make the participation of trade unions binding in the implementation of the Act.


Making the German supply chain due diligence act work for trade unions

Simon, Hendrik; Monaco, Lorenza

Making the German supply chain due diligence act work for trade unions

Recommendations based on a study of the automotive industry in South Africa, Ghana, Kenya and Germany
Johannesburg, 2023

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+27-11 341 0271
