Social Media

FES TUCC on Social Media – Follow Us! Engage Us!

Social media has become an effective tool to keep people informed on the work we do. From current news to upcoming events, FES TUCC uses various platforms and communication tools to keep workers around the world engaged and inspired. We believe in the work we do and have made use of various social media platforms to share it globally. We also know that effective communication happens when the information transferred is information received. We are on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube! These platforms create a space for us to communicate and also receive feedback from trade union activists, academic scholars, and the general public on labour related topics so feel free to engage us!

Online communication does, of course, not substitute real workplace action. But we believe that through these platforms comrades can spark regional and international solidarity for their campaigns and organizing efforts. They have broadened the power to raise awareness on trade unions and trade union work. On our social media platforms, we aim to create discussions around issues relating to workers such as gender issues, collective bargaining, working conditions, and most importantly, news that matter and that inspire other workers’ rights activists. The platforms are also used to share opportunities that will empower workers everywhere and provide a visual overview of the work done behind the scenes.

To follow us on social media, access FES TUCC on Facebook at FES Trade Union Competence Centre, on Instagram @fes_tucc, and on YouTube at Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

FES Trade Union Competence Centre Sub-Saharan Africa

34, Bompas Road
Dunkeld West

+27-11 341 0270
+27-11 341 0271
